Caroline Carton making the presentation to Therese Murray and Katie Coleman following the Div 1 camogie league final on Sunday.

Second half Raharney blitz denies gallant Drumraney

Raharney 3-11, Drumraney 1-11

The Division 1 final in Cusack on Sunday last was literally the game of two halves scenario that often prevails and indeed this game was won by the Raharney substitutes in that second half, who not only turned a green tide and denied Drumraney back to back titles, but proved the strength in depth that the Deelsiders possess.

They were able to call on a plethora of county stars in that second half and in truth they needed them as Drumraney had seriously put it up to the county champions, battling brilliantly throughout. Raharney outscored their opponents, 2-7 to 1-2, after the break. Amelia Shaw provided 1-4 personally of a personal tally and indeed inspired all around her against her flagging opponents, who simply ran out of steam, but can take great comfort for providing a lively crowd with a very entertaining game.

The first half was nip and tuck with Drumraney pointing through a marvellous Aisling Cronin strike and a free and a beauty from play by Chloe Butler. Katie Coleman replied for the blues but they then took the lead when Sarah Kennedy flicked to the net after a long-range Aoife Doherty effort was not dealt with by the Drumraney defence. Caoimhe McAteer added a point to extend that advantage.

Drumraney hit back immediately through Cronin and two Butler beauties in-a-row to regain the lead. McAteer levelled after her first effort came off the crossbar, but Ann Marie Moran ended a field long move with a fabulous point and Tara Hughes from a Raharney blunder brought the Greens back ahead by two. Elaine Finn narrowed that to one with a free on the stroke of half-time but Drumraney still led by 0-8 to 1-4 at the short whistle.

Butler increased that lead on the restart from a free she won herself but Raharney then introduced the cavalry and almost immediately they took the lead once more when McAteer cut in along the end line to net a stunning goal. It then became the Amelia Shaw show as she netted a third major, added three points (2 frees) and laid on another for McAteer who finished a superb move with a marvellous point and suddenly the gap was a chasm and when Finn added her first from play it looked all over. Drumraney to their credit stuck to their task valiantly and led by the superb Butler, who netted a magnificent gaol and then two frees. The gap was now down to four points. Raharney weathered the storm, however and Emma Hayes lifted the siege before the outstanding Shaw fittingly scored the final point of the game to rubber stamp a stunning cameo and seal the title for the Blues in some style.

Scorers - Raharney: Amelia Shaw 1-4, Caoimhe McAteer 1-3, Sarah Kennedy 1-0, Elaine Finn 0-2 (1 free), Katie Coleman and Emma Hayes 0-1 each.

Drumraney: Chloe Butler 1-7, Aisling Cronin 0-2, Anne Marie Moran and Tara Hughes 0-1 each.

Raharney: Natalie Geraghty, Neal Weir Hall, Saoirse McGee, Mary Geraghty, Therese Murray, Fiona Leavy, Caoimhe McGee, Aoife Doherty, Katie Coleman, Emma Hayes, Elaine Finn, Sian Weir Hall, Caoimhe McAteer, Meabh Monaghan and Sarah Kennedy. Subs: Amelia Shaw for Sian Weir Hall, Laura Doherty for Caoimhe McGee, Erin Core for Saoirse McGee and Jade McKeogh for Kennedy (all 38 mins), Aisling Doyle for Hayes (44 mins), Ellen Shaw for McAteer, Orla Quinn for Coleman, Niamh Brady for Murray (all 54 mins).

Drumraney: Kate Whyte, Amy Murphy, Emily McCabe, Amy Hughes, Chloe Moran, Rhona Cuffe, Rebecca O’Kane, Aisling Cronin, Aimee Duncan, Sharon Seery, Ann Marie Moran, Aimee Smyth, Niamh Williams, Chloe Butler and Tara Hughes. Subs: Louise Connell for Seery (38 mins), Emma Maxwell for Hughes (41 mins), Mairead Martin for Amy Hughes and Amy Maxwell for Smyth (55 mins), Emma Maxwell for Amy Maxwell (61 mins).

Referee: Barry Nea (Clonkill).