MRH Mullingar.

MRI unit to open on 'phased basis'

The MRI Unit at Midlands Regional Hospital Mullingar is set to open on a phased basis after management received confirmation from the HSE that it could proceed with the recruitment process for staff.

Staff members already hired had been carrying out procedures on patients for more than a week when they were informed on Monday last, July 29, that the unit was closing two days later on Wednesday, July 31.

It is believed that the reason for the announcement from management was that there was an issue relating to finance, despite the HSE approving funding for staff recruitment in May.

It appears that the matter has been resolved, however, and Deputy Robert Troy stated on Thursday that "the hospital has received confirmation to proceed with staff appointments to the MRI" and that the "service will commence on a phased basis as staff posts are filled".

In a post on social media the day before, Deputy Troy said that it was "extremely regrettable that there has been a need for the management at Regional Hospital Mullingar to seek further clarification from the HSE in recent days regarding the appointment of MRI staff when approval was given by the HSE on 24 May for 11.2 WTE hours to staff the scanner".

The unit’s €1.3m MRI scanner was purchased with funds raised by the Friends of Regional Hospital Mullingar charity, while the HSE funded the construction of the building and gave a commitment that it would fund the staffing costs.

Speaking to the Westmeath Examiner, chair of the Friends group, John McGrath, said that members were relieved that the issue relating to funding for recruitment had been resolved and they are looking forward to seeing the lifesaving service being fully operational as soon as possible.

When contacted, the HSE issued a statement saying that it is "committed to the provision of the new MRI service at Regional Hospital Mullingar".

"Approval for additional staff was communicated to the hospital in May. The hospital is working on a plan to operationalise the service. The hospital is to advise on timelines in the coming week."