Local woman Aisling Naughton and her husband, David Naughton, pictured before and after Aisling's charity head shave in the Gap House, Moate, last Saturday night.

Athlone woman shaves head for charity in memory of her brother-in-law

Athlone woman Aisling Naughton has raised a hugely impressive sum of over €7,000 so far in support of the Rapunzel Foundation and Jigsaw charities after shaving her head and donating her hair.

Last Saturday night, July 20, Aisling and her family and friends gathered in Moate to see her have 14 inches cut off her hair, before shaving her head.

She decided to do this in memory of her late brother-in-law, Durkan (Martin) Naughton, who died by suicide in March 2020, two weeks into the pandemic.

“We couldn't have a proper funeral,” Aisling explained. “There were only 13 of us in the church. It was the weirdest feeling, because usually you get that sense of community at a funeral.”

The Muckanagh, Glasson, resident had initially planned to donate her hair on the one-year anniversary of Durkan's death, but Ireland was still in the throes of lockdown at that stage, as was the case for the next few anniversaries.

Then, when lockdown finally ended and Aisling was able to donate her hair, she got into a bad car accident, with some difficult months of recovery. These setbacks did not deter her, though.

“Eventually, I just said to myself to pick a date, and let's do it!” Aisling said, and last Saturday in the Gap House, after four years of growing her hair, she was able to cut it off.

“There were two ponytails because I'd such a head of hair!” Aisling said, laughing. “The whole day was electric, and all my friends were there. I couldn't wait to get the hair off, really, because I'd been growing it for so long.”

Aisling's friends and family took turns to shave sections of her head. “Of course, it was a very emotional moment, you're always going to be emotional, shaving your hair away, but it felt like a bit of a party atmosphere.”

The ponytails of Aisling's hair have been donated to the Rapunzel Foundation, which makes wigs for children with cancer. The other charity which Aisling was supporting was Jigsaw, a youth mental health charity.

“I picked Jigsaw because we wanted a charity about mental health. I'd never heard of it before, but after I did some research, I was blown away by the work they do.

“Young people have been the most affected by Covid, and Jigsaw helps them for free. More than ever, young people need help. We have to help people at a younger age, before it gets to what Durkan was going through.”

Commenting on the €7,000 that has been raised so far, Aisling said she was “blown away by the amount of money we've raised, with people donating from all across the world.

“I want to thank them, and the amazing businesses in Athlone and Moate for the spot prizes in our raffle, and the Gap House for hosting us.”

* If you wish to donate to Aisling's fundraiser, you can do so here.