Luan Gallery to host centenary celebration of John Broderick

Westmeath County Council Arts Office and the Arts Council are thrilled to announce the launch of the John Broderick Centenary.

The event will pay tribute to the Athlone writer, literary critic, and patron of the arts on what would have been his 100th birthday.

The launch will take place in the Luan Gallery from 6pm – 8pm on Tuesday, July 30.

They will be marking 100 years of John Broderick with a special reprint of The Waking of Willie Ryan, along with an accompanying audiobook and pamphlet of newly commissioned essays. They will also be launching a One Town, One Book initiative for Athlone and a new Emerging Writers Bursary.

Dr Michael G. Cronin of Maynooth University will be speaking at the event, and there will be a series of poetry readings from poets including former John Broderick writers-in-Residence Annemarie Ní Churreáin and Keith Payne. There will be music from multi-instrumentalist Bream / Dylan Ó Muineóg, who will be performing music set to Broderick’s previously unpublished poetry. Finally, actor Naoise Dunbar will perform a reading from The Waking of Willie Ryan.

The event is free and open to everyone, with tickets available here.