Niko, the Westmeath finalist in this year's Nose of Tralee competition.

Niko and Rua are Nose of Tralee finalists!

The Westmeath and Roscommon finalists have been announced in this year's 'Nose of Tralee' pet competition.

Organisers said a total of 1,650 pet owners submitted entries, with 32 finalists emerging - one from each county. Some 29 dogs and three cats made it through to the final.

Niko, an 11 month old rottweiler, was chosen as the finalist for Westmeath. Niko's owner Cassie describes him as "the backbone of our small family."

Cassie's partner gifted Niko to her while she was undergoing chemotherapy, "to try and lift my spirits when I was home alone ill."

"To say it worked is an understatement, Niko became my shadow who made me laugh through all the hardest parts of life and made me enjoy the good parts even more. He stayed by my side through everything and somehow managed to make it bearable.

"Niko would make a great Nose as he leaves a mark on everyone he meets. He is a special dog with a special heart and my world is a brighter place with him in it.

"Niko is the best friend I have ever had and I thank God every day for sending me this Angel."

Rua, the Roscommon finalist in this year's Nose of Tralee competition.

Mr Rua Reynard Brogan, a four year old "radiant rescue mutt", was chosen as the finalist for Roscommon.

Rescued from the streets, he now spends his days spreading joy and wagging his way into the hearts of everyone he meets. His hobbies include chewing on his favourite (formerly) squeaky toy, rolling in anything disgusting, the smellier the better, and trying to make friends with the big black and white dogs (cows) and small fluffy white dogs (sheep) in the field next door.

Rua dreams of a world where every dog has a forever home filled with love, treats, and belly rubs. He aims to use his platform to raise awareness about the importance of adopting rescue dogs and giving them a second chance at life.

He’s also known for his impeccable sense of fashion, often sporting his Ireland rugby jersey or a classic bandana that perfectly match his debonair personality.

With his winning smile and heart of gold, Rua is ready to show the world that rescue dogs are the Nose of Tralee.

Voting in the competition opens on August 1 and will end on August 19, with the announcement of the winner taking place the following day.