MEP Ciarán Mullooly

Mullooly "unable" to support Ursula von der Leyen

Independent Ireland MEP for the Midlands North West, Ciarán Mullooly, has confirmed that he was "unable" to support Ursula von der Leyen in her bid to retain the presidency of the European Commission today following negotiations with her in her office in Strasbourg, last night.

Ms. von der Leyen was elected today for a second term as the president of the European Commission.

During last night's discussions, a number of issues were raised with regard to European Agriculture Policy and the Green Deal, among other matters. The conversation was "cordial and informative" according to MEP Mullooly, who advocated strongly for the Irish position with respect to these issues and hopes further progress can be made in the coming term.

During his meeting, MEP Mullooly expressed the "profound horror" of his constituency at the deaths off "innocent men, women, and children in Gaza" and also emphasized that "an urgent initiative was needed from her" to convey to the Israeli authorities that the violence and bloodshed must stop.

"I reiterated that the Israeli authorities had clearly breached Article 2 of the EU-Israel trade agreement and urged her to suspend the accord immediately, thereby pressuring Israel to heed the worldwide calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

"I was pleased that the Commission President called for a ceasefire in her address to the European Parliament this morning. I was also satisfied with her comments on other issues, such as the appointment of a new Housing Commissioner to address a key issue in my Midlands North-West constituency, her focus on mental health issues caused by cyber-bullying, and her support for the people of Ukraine.

"However, President Ursula von der Leyen did not address the trade agreement or propose any tangible measures to help stop the appalling violence, death, and destruction in Gaza.

"Under these circumstances, I was unable to support her candidacy today.

"I will continue to work hard as a new member of the European Parliament to ensure peace in Gaza, Ukraine, and all parts of the region. This remains the key priority in the critical weeks ahead.