Mullooly joins European Democrats amidst Independent Ireland chaos

Ciaran Mullooly MEP has joined the European Democratic Party (EDP), having been elected as Independent Ireland's only MEP in June.

Mullooly has also confirmed that he is seeking membership of the Renew Europe Group, a centre-right European Parliament Group that encompasses the centrist EDP.

He has emerged as the unanimous choice of EDP MEPs to lead the party’s agriculture portfolio in the next parliament as the crucial discussions on the Common Agriculture Policy begin.

Sandro Gozi, a prominent member of the EDP, said “Mr Mullooly’s decision to join our ranks has been met with unanimous support from all members of our party. We are confident that his values, vision, and dedication align perfectly with the principles and objectives of the European Democratic Party."

Independent Ireland (II) have faced criticism from their voters for this decision, as many II voters would have preferred, and perhaps expected, Mullooly to join the more right-wing European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR).

However, Independent Ireland dismissed this in a lengthy statement posted to their website on Wednesday, saying: "Early in his campaign and immediately following his election, Mr Mullooly said he would speak to all groupings but felt he would be more at home in a centrist political party and ruled out the possibility of him joining the ECR, so it came as no great shock to those who understand how European politics works that Mullooly aligned with the European Democratic Party. "

Independent Ireland have slammed a wave of recent "wild speculation" and "tirade of online abuse directed at Independent Ireland and its three TDs" as a result of Mullooly's decision.

Speaking on Tuesday, Mr Mullooly said: “We are satisfied that the agreement reached [with the EDP] will deliver membership and influence on key committees where we will have significant influence on forthcoming EU Legislation on major rural development and agricultural issues.

“Membership of the committees will be formally agreed upon at the Plenary meeting of the European Parliament on July 17."

On Sunday morning, the chairperson of Independent Ireland, Elaine Mullally, resigned from her position in the party saying on X (formerly Twitter): “I have made the difficult decision to step away from Independent Ireland, as it no longer aligns with my values and principles. This was not an easy choice, but it is necessary for me to stay true to what I believe in.”

Cork Cllr Ken O’Flynn has been appointed as the new interim chairperson.