Pictured at the contract signing of Westmeath County Council and Eamon Bracken of M. Bracken & Sons from L - R Standing: Project Architect, Westmeath County Council, Barry McCann, Senior Executive Librarian, Westmeath County Council , Paula O’Dornan, Director of Service, Westmeath County Council, Jackie Finney, County Librarian, Westmeath County Council, Paula Leavy McCarthy and Clerk of Works, Westmeath County Council, John Halligan. L - R Seated: Leas Cathaoirleach, Westmeath County Council, Cllr Michael Dollard, Director of Service (Deputy CE), Westmeath County Council, Deirdre Reilly and Director of Michael Bracken & Sons Limited, Eamon Bracken.

Westmeath County Council to refurbish Kilbeggan Library

Westmeath County Council has announced the commencement of a major refurbishment of Kilbeggan Library. The extensive renovations and refurbishment of the library will allow the implementation of the My Open Library service.

My Open Library allows registered members of the public to access self service facilities in the library from 8am to 10pm every day. The My Open Library service provides greater accessibility to the library and has proved very successful in the My Open Library locations currently operating in Moate, Castlepollard and Mullingar. The service has proved popular with adults and students alike and is available to adults and 16 and 17-year-olds with parental permission.

A new look for Kilbeggan Library in Market Square, Kilbeggan.

The first step in delivery of the refurbishment took place recently with the signing of the contracts between Westmeath County Council and M Bracken & Sons for the construction works. The project is being delivered with funding from the Department of Rural & Community Development and Westmeath County Council.

Michael Bracken & Sons are a Ballycumber based firm with wide experience in delivery of projects of this nature. They were awarded the contract after the public competitive tender process.

The works to this important town centre building will include conservation repairs and modification works to the protected structure as well as ensuring that the building is revitalised as a modern welcoming library which all the community can avail of.

The scheme for Kilbeggan Library is designed by Westmeath County Council’s in-house architectural team.

During the closure, library members can continue to use the membership in other local libraries and avail of access to online audiobook, magazines and ebooks. Email library@westmeathcoco.ie for further information.