Big Yellow Island on Lough Ree is currently being offered for sale with an asking price of €95,000.

Island for sale in Lough Ree

A unique property is currently up for sale in Athlone: Big Yellow Island, in the middle of Lough Ree.

This island was originally purchased in a 2006 public auction in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, at the height of the Celtic Tiger boom.

Bidding started at €75,000 and, after 32 bids, finally saw the island being sold for €165,700. It is now being sold again, with an asking price of €95,000.

Mark Nestor, of Mark Nestor Properties, said this was the first time in his career that he was selling an island. "It certainly doesn't come up every day of the week!" he remarked.

He said there had already been upwards of ten inquiries in relation to the island, from a variety of different sources. Some are interested in building a property on the island (as of right now, it is exclusively covered in vegetation), some want to use it for camping and recreational means, while some nature organisations have expressed an interest in it with a view to protect birds such as the corncrake.

The current owner of the island seems to have only used it for recreational means, and thus the natural vegetation remains almost untouched.

The island is situated 500m from the Hodson Bay Hotel in Athlone, and measures between 2 and 3 acres, depending on water


Those who may be interested in arranging a viewing appointment for the island are being asked to contact Mark Nestor Properties on 090 64 09095.