Outside their school with the new Green Flag are members of the Green Schools Committee of Athlone’s Dean Kelly NS. From left to right are Mr. Flynn, Martin Gabor, Ben Reilly Lennon, Jamie Rafferty, Szymon De Almeida, Liam Beaumont, Kevin Gabor, Hasnaat Ramzan, Delroy Boakye, Alex Souza and Damir Mamadloikov.

Dean Kelly NS enjoys regional Green Schools category success

Athlone school Dean Kelly NS was celebrating recently after being chosen as the Midlands and Eastern region winner in the water category of the An Taisce Green Schools competition.

The Green Schools Committee recently attended an event in the Hyatt Centric Hotel in Dublin where they received their trophy and a cheque for €750 for the school. They were also a finalist in the national section of the water category.

The school has also recently been awarded a green flag on the theme of water.

Students in Dean Kelly NS have worked hard as part of their Green Schools participation and among their projects was an extensive litter clean up along the canal in Athlone recently.