A drone shot of the busy roads around Coláiste Chiaráin and Summerhill NS. Photo: Corin Bishop.

Construction due to begin shortly on road safety works in Summerhill area

After the first meeting of Roscommon County Council since the local elections, it was announced that long sought-after road safety measures would begin to be installed soon in the vicinity of St Joseph's Primary School and Coláiste Chiaráin in Summerhill. These measures include footpaths, lighting, and pedestrian crossings.

The installation will begin in the coming weeks, following a meeting with engineering staff of Roscommon County Council, elected members, members of the public, and management of the schools concerned.

Fine Gael councillor John Naughten has welcomed the work that will take place: “The council has the opportunity to significantly improve road safety around the R446, the regional road that extends out from Summerhill.”

“I want to acknowledge the work of Roscommon County Council and the work of the staff to progress to this stage.”

“Coláiste Chiaráin and St Joseph's applied to the Safe Routes to School programme, and was then in consultation with the Department and Roscommon County Council. It's a positive development for sure!”

Naughten highlighted that Coláiste Chiaráin is now one of the largest schools in the Athlone area, with approximately 1000 students. The new measures, such as the additional lighting, reduced speeds, and increased pedestrian crossings will help to keep pupils and their families safer. These measures will also extend as far as Drum Community Centre on the Drum road.

Naughten also wished to acknowledge and thank John Keogh, as they worked together supporting this project.

Fianna Fáil councillor John Keogh echoed his colleague's sentiments: "I welcome the news of the road safety measures on the R446 (old N6) near what used to be Lennon's Shop.” “The provision of these road safety measures which include a controlled-pedestrian crossing and footpaths will greatly enhance safety at the location and provide safe access to the walk leading to the entrance of Coláiste Chiaráin.”

“The works on the Drum road at St Joseph's National School which includes footpaths, lighting, bus set-down area and which will also hopefully address some drainage issues, is also very welcome.”

“I am very grateful to local community for raising these issues with me and grateful to Roscommon County Council that a layout for works programme has been designed, is funded and that the community and management of both schools were consulted about the design and that works will commence imminently. I wish to also take the opportunity to thank my colleague Cllr John Naughten who has also been working with me on the issue."