Niall Breslin, aka Bressie, pictured with Claire Weston and Joe Nangle at Lough Owel, Mullingar, as they launched 'The Rising' fundraising challenge for youth mental health services this September. Photo: Robbie Reynolds.

Bressie to kayak down Shannon again for expanded mental health fundraiser

Niall 'Bressie' Breslin, the Westmeath musician and podcaster, is preparing to kayak down the River Shannon for the second time in successive years as part of an expanded fundraising challenge to support youth mental health.

The Mullingar man announced today (Thursday) that he would be taking part in a fundraising journey caled 'The Rising' this September to raise money for the award-winning youth mental health charity, A Lust For Life, which he co-founded in 2017.

Last summer 'Bressie' kayaked down the length of the River Shannon, and this year he intends to repeat the adventure, but with additional challenges attached also.

He is planning a six day kayak along the River Shannon, a strenuous 110 km cycle from Limerick to Killarney, and a final climb up Ireland’s highest peak, Carrauntoohil.

Bressie will be joined by artist Maser, alongside the team from 2023, to take this challenge, supported by the team at Gym+Coffee and with partners Get Ireland Walking, Canoeing Ireland, and Cycling Ireland.

This year, Bressie wants everyone to take part in a collective "rising up" across the nation in support of Youth Mental Health and our country's young people.

'A Lust For Life' is inviting individuals and communities across Ireland to 'rise up' on Sunday, September 15, to mark the last day of the gruelling challenge, as Bressie and the A Lust For Life team ascend Carrauntoohil.

People can show their support by doing a walk or hike in their locality with the children and young people in their lives, registering to donate, and sharing photos on the day. Each registered hike will raise funds for the charity's educational programmes, which focus on early mental health intervention.

Breslin said that, for him, 'The Rising' was far more than just a fundraising effort. "It mirrors the reality faced by children and young people growing up in an increasingly complex world and the challenge families face in accessing care when their children are suffering from mental health difficulties,” he explained.

"Everyone encounters rough patches in life, but with the right tools and skills, navigating those times becomes less daunting.

"Our school programmes are designed to equip Ireland's children with the necessary tools and skills to enhance and protect their mental health. International research is unequivocal about the importance of early intervention and we believe Ireland can be world leaders in investing in prevention as a model of care."

Reflecting on the upcoming challenge, he added: "Last year's journey down the Shannon was an incredible - and seriously tough - experience.

"But it highlighted the power of community in my own life and in our country. This year, with The Rising 2024, we’re raising the stakes and inviting everyone to join us.

"Every step you take, or donation you make, supports our mission to help young people thrive. It’s about getting together and advocating for the wellbeing of a new generation. The most crucial thing for any young person is hope, and together, we can help keep that hope alive."

For more information on how to commit to your own walk or hike for The Rising 2024, and for other ways to get involved, visit A Lust For Life’s website: