A photo shared by Gardai of the visit to Coosan NS in Athlone last Thursday.

Gardai visit Coosan NS pupils for cycle and road safety talk

Gardai in Athlone attended Coosan National School on Thursday last for a cycling and road safety talk with its sixth class pupils.

The event was followed by a cycle in which a 60-strong group was led by Gardai along local roads as part of the 'active school week' in Coosan.

In social media post, An Garda Siochana in Westmeath shared some photos and thanked the school for facilitating its visit.

Coosan pupils getting ready for their cycle on Thursday.

"Keep up the cycling, stay safe on the roads and have a great summer ahead from all Athlone Gardaí," the post concluded.

The school group being led on their cycle by a Garda van.