The site of the proposed hotel, with the planning notice below.

Proposed Athlone hotel will be ‘as green and sustainable as possible’

The developers behind a landmark high-rise hotel proposal for Athlone have outlined the measures they will employ to make the project “as green and sustainable as possible” and to minimise the impact of the hotel on the surrounding area.

Avenir Assets Management (DAC) applied to Westmeath County Council earlier this month for alterations to an already-approved planning permission in order to facilitate the construction of a high-rise hotel which would be one of the tallest buildings in Athlone.

The proposed hotel would include 192 bedrooms, a lounge, bar, restaurant and dining facilities, as well as gym, spa, conference and meeting facilities. Reception, kitchen, storage, staff welfare and service areas are also proposed.

The proposers of the project already received planning permission in 2022 for an office building development on the same site at Cloghanboy, close to the Regional Sports Centre and the Brawny housing development.

The planning documents state that the existing footprint and height of the office buildings has been maintained “in the majority” there is a proposal to increase the Block A from 8 storeys to 9 and Block B from 9 storeys to 10. This is to be achieved by a reduction in “the typical floor to floor heights” in order to gain an additional floor in each block, with the design documents pointing out that “the heights do not breach those of the permitted scheme.”

A key driver of the scheme, according to the design documents, is the incorporation of a landscape strategy which is “rich, lush and integrated fully” with the architecture of both the hotel, public realm and the parking deck.

The proposers of the project state that every effort has been made “from ground to roof level” to make the design “as green and sustainable as possible. ”Along with the south facing stepped terrace at the base of the building; there are also proposals for an intensive green roof over the reception space which will be visible from the arrival area and also from the hotel bedrooms above and an accessible roof terrace at the top level of Block B.

“Every roof which can accommodate an area of green roof has been taken advantage of “ in the design of the proposed hotel, with planting at the edges of the roof terraces aimed at preventing “any perceived overlooking.”

The site location offers an excellent opportunity for the introduction of a high quality landmark hotel to the town of Athlone," the application states.

Some 192 car parking spaces are provided for, one for each bedroom, on a 3-storey car deck with the visual impact being minimised by keeping the structure as low as possible and designing it with a planted facade so that it blends in with the landscape of the adjacent Brawny road and traffic passing on the N6 motorway.

There is no change to the proposed hotel scheme from the permitted office scheme in terms of materials and facade, with the proposed hotel being built of precast panels and metal cladding which is of “a rich warm bronze tone.”

Submissions c can be made within five weeks of the planning application being received. The planning authority is due to make its decision on the change of use application by July 27.