Pictured at the launch at the Pieta premises in Athlone recently were, from back row from left to right: Kevin Ganly and Damien Delaney, RNLI, Gerard Tiernan, Pieta, Darragh Finlay, Order of Malta, Damien Mellett, Waterways ireland, Michael McDonnell, Viking Boat Tours, Matt Harte. Front row: Charlie Naughton, Athlone RSC, Richard O’Hara, Baysports, Joanne O’Connor, Committee member. Photo: Kevin Newcomen, Midland Photography Club who was also in attendance at the launch.

Second Jim O'Connor Memorial Castle to Castle Swim launched

The second Jim O'Connor Memorial Castle to Castle Swim has been launched with the event to take place on Saturday, August 24.

This 13.5km swim will run from Rindoon Castle in Lough Ree to Athlone Castle The swim was originally set up to commemorate the legacy of local man Jim O'Connor and to raise vital funds for Pieta. Jim is still the only person to have swam the length of Lough Ree without a wetsuit, a feat he completed in August 2012. It is a wish come true for the O'Connor family and for the event organisers, Athlone RSC, to see this swim become an annual event that ends in Jim's hometown of Athlone.

The overwhelming success of this fundraiser in 2023 saw €61,002 raised for the very worthy charity, Pieta.

Gerard Tiernan, Community Fundraiser with Pieta said: “The swim was an outstanding success last year and we look forward to making the event even more successful in 2024 by inviting people from around Ireland, not just local swimmers, to sign up now. It’s a wonderful way to remember Jim while raising vital funding for the Pieta service.We rely on 85% of our funding to come from events like this.

“Pieta provides support for those in suicidal crisis, those self harming and those sadly bereaved by suicide. On behalf of Pieta I would like to thank the wonderful committee for making this event happen.”

A total of 85 swimmers completed the swim in 2023, including 24 solo swimmers and a further 61 participating as part of relay teams. Local man and former international swimmer Robbie Powell took first place overall, coming in with a time of 3 hours and 17 minutes while Aoife Cooney was the first woman to reach Athlone Castle right on 4 hours.

The Castle to Castle Swim committee and event organisers Athlone RSC are confident of an even greater turnout of swimmers this year, with more looking to attempt the full 13.5km distance.

They said their aim is to ensure The Castle to Castle Swim event is even bigger and better this year.

David Warby, an open water swim coach with Athlone RSC and a key member of the organising committee, says of the event: "It is fantastic to see Athlone become the base for a major long distance open water event and to welcome some top class distance swimmers to the Midlands.”

American swim coach Ned Denison travelled from his base in Kinsale, Cork, to take part in last year’s event. He has completed more than 55 marathon swims and hosts the annual Cork Distance Week, one of the toughest training experiences imaginable, which draws in top open water swimmers from around the world.

David believes the event will grow each year, attracting marathon swimmers from around the country and the world. Over time, he foresees the numbers signing up for the solo swim surpassing those for the relays.

"Relays provide a great introduction to distance swimming and are great fun", he says, but David thinks that many who took part in a relay in 2023 will look towards the solo swim for the event this year. He says: "It's not beyond anyone. With the right programme, attitude and commitment it can be done – as has been proven". Last year local swimmer, Ethan Keogh,with no previous open water experience followed the Castle to Castle Swim training programme and finished the 13.5k in 3rd place with a time of 3 hours and 49 minutes.

Charlie Naughton, another of the organisers and Athlone RSC Swim Coordinator, says that an event like this can only happen when everyone works together.

“A huge element is the safety of all on the water and we are very lucky to have great people and organisations involved. We have secured the support once again of key event partners, Waterways Ireland, Athlone Sub Aqua, the RNLI, Lough Ree Yacht Club, the Order of Malta and Inny Kayak Club, all of whom work to make the swim a safe and enjoyable experience.”

Athlone Boat Club and Baysports are providing facilities for early morning registration whilst Viking Tours will be offering families and supporters the opportunity to cheer on the swimmers. Midland Photography Club are once again on board to provide outstanding picture memories of the day, all to be seen on the website, www.castletocastleswim.ie

“Other local Sub Aqua and Kayak clubs, boat owners and kayakers are likely to be involved again on the day and the committee is hugely grateful for all this support,” he said.

Members of the committee David Warby, Charlie Naughton, Denise Dolan, Vincent Gettins, Olaf O'Neill and Joanne O'Connor have been busy in recent weeks preparing for the event launch.

This took place at Pieta's offices last Wednesday when committee members and event partners gathered and were met by Gerard Tiernan who spoke about how important the fundraising effort is for those who avail of their services in the midlands. Online registration also opened and at this point there are just eight solo places and eight relay team slots left. The committee recommend that anyone interested should register soon on www.castletocastleswim.ie

Joanne, on behalf of the O'Connor family, is asking local people and businesses to support the swimmers and Pieta once again, through participation, donation, sponsorship or perhaps some footwork in the organisation of the event.

Joanne says: “Every little bit of support is welcomed and crucial to the overall success of the event. The kindness and generosity of spirit of the Athlone people is never more evident than when there is a cause to be championed.”

I-donate pages for registered swimmers and relay teams have opened. Sponsorship and donations can be made online, also through the website www.castletocastleswim.ie

Posters are available to support workplace fundraisers too or for display. They can be obtained by emailing castletocastleswim@athlonersc.ie

Organisers hae asked that people support, in any way they can, an event that has proven to give such a great sense of achievement to so many swimmers and one that can raise such awareness and funds for people in support of their mental health.