Tony Ward pictured with supporters

Another fantastic result for Tony Ward as he's elected on first count in Athlone electoral area (Roscommon)

Tony Ward has performed spectacularly in the polls again this year and was elected on the first count with 1,786 votes, just behind poll-topper Emer Kelly (1,946) in the Athlone electoral area of Roscommon.


Last time out, Tony Ward topped the poll for the third successive local election, receiving a whopping 1,800 first preferences. The Curraghboy man has served as a full-time councillor for the last twenty years.

The newly re-elected Independent councillor said that he was feeling "great" and looking forward to working for the people of South Roscommon for the nest five years.

He feels that the major issues in the local area pertain to the flooding in his home area of Lough Funshinagh. Mr Ward said that it was of huge concern to the local farming community. "Farm payments have been pushed on numerous occasions since 2015 and so farmers are under severe pressure, not alone under severe pressure from flooding and their houses maybe being flooded, but financially as well.

He added that there was a lot of concern from people on the doors about undocumented immigrants in Ireland. In Rahara, Mr Ward said that people were concerned about the erection of proposed wind turbines in the area

He said that he's "very conscious" of safety and safety on the roads and highlighted the lack of a pedestrian crossing, footpaths or lighting outside Ballybay NS in Kiltoom.

Mr Ward was first elected to Roscommon County Council in 2004 and won his seat by just ten votes. "Since then, I would've increased my vote substantially. but I retired from my job in July, 2004 to be a full-time councillor and to represent the people of South Roscommon," said Mr Ward.