Cllr Aengus O'Rourke at the road in question.

Baylin Road to Mount Temple not getting urgent attention required - Cllr O'Rourke

Cllr Aengus O'Rourke has called on Westmeath County Council to get ground assessment works and repairs underway immediately on the road from Baylin to Mount Temple.

"I have been contacted by countless local people in recent times, greatly concerned about the condition of this important and well travelled road from Baylin to Mount Temple," said Cllr O'Rourke.

"While all councillors have voiced their concerns about the road and the delay in dealing with the subsidence issues, the truth is that nothing has happened for months.

"The fact that the ground analysis has not even begun yet to establish the extent of the problem and to determine the correct long term solution, is simply not good enough.

"This lack of action is not acceptable, and I for one am determined to work with the local authority engineers to expedite the assessment and the necessary repairs.

"Furthermore, the communication around this matter to the people of the area has been very poor," said the Fianna Fáil councillor.

"The people of the area have been let down. I am calling on the council to get the ground assessment works underway immediately and for the repairs to begin immediately thereafter.

"The assessment must also take into account the very many other parts of this road that are showing clear signs of subsidence and the repairs carried out along the entire road if necessary. This road is quite elevated so to have parts of the road failing along the edges is extremely dangerous.

"I will be working with council management and engineers to get this issue resolved as soon as possible," concluded Cllr O'Rourke.