Francis Mallon, CEO Liffey Meats; JP Scally, CEO Lidl Ireland and Northern Ireland, and Jim O’Toole, CEO Bord Bia. Photo: Julien Behal Photography

Lidl launch sustainability support for beef farmers

Lidl have become the first supermarket retailer in Ireland to launch an innovative new sustainability support programme for Irish beef farmers. The Lidl Sustainable Beef Programme has been developed by the retailer in partnership with beef supplier Liffey Meats, Bord Bia and more than 20 beef farmers, who will work together to implement innovative sustainable farming practices in order to reduce carbon emissions associated with beef farming.

The industry-leading Lidl Sustainable Beef Programme will be measured through AgNav, a sustainability support platform developed by Teagasc, the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) and Bord Bia.

The AgNav platform allows participating farmers to collate verified data on their farming practices. Farmers will review their data and progress will be regularly measured. This will result in informed implementation of on-farm actions with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving water quality and biodiversity and contributing to better animal welfare.

More than 20 beef farmers currently supplying to Lidl Ireland from counties Westmeath, Cavan, Galway, Longford, Meath, Roscommon, and Wexford have already signed up to participate in the programme, and that number is expected to double over the coming months.

Participating farmers will benefit from on-farm knowledge sharing sessions where farmers and external industry experts will share and demonstrate best practices in sustainability.

JP Scally, CEO of Lidl Ireland and Northern Ireland, said: “We know beef is hugely important to Irish agriculture and the recent granting of Protected Geographic Indication status for Irish grass-fed beef is further recognition of the quality of the product. However, the industry faces a significant challenge in reducing its environmental footprint and, as a responsible retailer, we know we have an important role to play in supporting our beef farmers to reduce their environmental impact.

“We appreciate that this issue is important to our customers as well, and that is why we will be keeping them informed of developments from the Lidl Sustainable Beef Programme as our farmers trial new methods and processes to make Irish beef a more sustainable product.”

• For more on Lidl Ireland’s Sustainable Beef Programme, see