Ballinahown village.

Traffic calming in local village still at drawing board stage

The introduction of traffic calming measures on the N62 in Ballinahown are still some way down the line, it has emerged.

Cllr John Dolan queried the progress on the proposed traffic calming at this week's meeting of the Athlone Moate Municipal District of Westmeath County Council.

The Fine Gael councillor asked whether the proposals for traffic calming in Ballinahown had been submitted to Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) for funding.

He was told, in a written reply that no funding application had been submitted for Ballinahown.

"A Feasibility and Options Report for a traffic calming Scheme in Ballinahown is currently being examined. Initial discussions have taken place with TII regarding such a scheme. A Feasibility and Options Report is required to be submitted and approved by TII in advance of any funding application being made."