Five MEP candidates will be asked to commit to feminist manifesto in Athlone today

Five women running for the European Parliament in the Midlands-Northwest constituency will be asked to commit to a feminist manifesto at an event in Athlone today (Monday).

The event is taking place in the Radisson Blu Hotel at noon, and the candidates invited to speak at it are: Nina Carberry and Maria Walsh (Fine Gael), Lisa Chambers (Fianna Fáil), Michelle Gildernew (Sinn Féin) and Pauline O'Reilly (Green Party).

The organisers of the event, the National Women’s Council (NWC) and Women For Election, pointed out that, as of February this year, less than 40% of all MEPs were women while Ireland had eight male MEPs compared with five female MEPs.

They said today's event was "intended to provide space for women candidates in Midlands-Northwest to reach women and feminist voters and explain how they will work to improve the lives of women and girls".

NWC director, Orla O’Connor, said: "Women have had to overcome significant historical disadvantage in securing representation.

"We know that when women are elected, more progressive and feminist policy follows. Hustings like ours today give women candidates the opportunity to speak to women voters and all feminist voters to let them know what they will do to improve the lives of women and girls across the EU."

The NWC said that, during today's event in Athlone, the candidates for election would be asked to commit to policies that are in line with the European Women's Lobby's feminist manifesto, which can be read here.