New serviced sites scheme proposed for Moate

Westmeath County Council has unveiled details of a proposed development of ten serviced sites for new homes in Moate.

The plan, earmarked for a 1.15 hectare site at Killeenboylegan townland on the Clara Road, would allow for the construction of new homes on each of the ten plots, all of which would have utility connections provided. A new service road, footpaths, street lighting and public amenity space would also be put in place prior to building work.

The scheme, thought to be the first of its kind in Westmeath in many, many years, is currently out for public consultation as part of the Part 8 planning process, the procedure that council projects must go through to secure approval.

According to the planning documents, the initiative involves the development of ten “individual plots under the Ready to Build scheme”, for the building of a property for “occupation as the principal private residence of the purchaser”.

The land earmarked for the scheme is an “undeveloped site” at Killeenboylegan, to the south east of Moate town, at the corner of the L-1307 road. It is bounded to the north and west by residential properties, to the south by a capped landfill and to the east by agricultural lands.

Just one vehicular entrance located to the east of the site, just off the L1307 road is envisaged for the residential development.

Other site development works to be provided include an internal road, paths, paving, parking, drainage landscaped public open space, street lighting and associated boundary treatments.

A foul sewer with separate storm sewer is proposed to connect to existing drainage infrastructure.

A number of drawings and reports in relation to the project, including an Appropriate Assessment report, are available to view on Westmeath County Council's consultation portal or viewed in council offices up to Monday, March 4.

Submissions or observations in relation to the planned scheme can be made via or as a written observation to Westmeath County Council, Mount Street, Mullingar or to Athlone Civic Centre, Church Street, Athlone by Tuesday, March 19.

Observations or submissions received will then form part of a statutory report by the Chief Executive, and will be presented to a future meeting of Westmeath County Council for a final decision.