‘The Parish’ is a hilarious comedy brought to life by Michael Ryan and Sean Kelleher from Hubcap Theatre. This heart-warming play comes to Athlone Little Theatre this weekend on Friday, January 12 to Sunday, January 14 inclusive.Book tickets on www.athlonelittletheatre.ie or Eventbrite.

Delightful comedy in Athlone Little Theatre this weekend

Banish the post-Christmas blues in Athlone Little Theatre with a comedy treat for three nights this weekend. Hubcap Theatre presents 'The Parish' this Friday, January 12 to Sunday, January 14 inclusive, a heart-warming play with a range of colourful characters found in every community the length and breadth of Ireland.

This delightful comedy explores the meaning of community and friendship and is guaranteed to provide fun and laughter for local audiences.

The hit show has already been performed in over 50 venues nationwide including the Carnegie Kenmare, Town Hall Cavan, Westport Town Hall as well as the Blackwater Fit-Up, West Cork Fit-up and Dingle’s Feile na Bealtaine festivals.

'The Parish' runs for one hour 15 minutes with no interval. Recommended age 12+.

Hubcap Theatre was set up in 2018 by Michael Ryan and Sean Kelleher to provide highly entertaining, accessible theatre in its purest form. It is influenced by the traditional fit-ups who travelled to rural communities bringing live theatre to the people.

Hubcap also produce popular online comedy videos featuring characters like the loveable Mary and Mary. For booking for the shows on January 12, 13 and 14 at 8pm in Athlone Little Theatre, go to https://www.athlonelittletheatre.ie/ or Eventbrite.