Taughmaconnell Drama Group is back for one night only with their sell-out show 'Nobody Talking to Me' by Tommy Marren next weekend. Photo: Facebook.

Local drama group's reprise performance for local charities

Taughmaconnell Drama Group is back for one night only with their sell-out show 'Nobody's Talking to Me' by Tommy Marren next weekend.

The performance on Saturday, January 13 is a fundraiser for Taughmaconnell and Castlesampson National Schools, the Lourdes Invalid Fund and Pieta House.

The show is full of laughs and kicks off at 8pm in Taughmaconnell Community Hall.

Set in rural Ireland of 1969, it centres around Mattie and Maggie Conway who are celebrating 50th wedding anniversary. However, what most people don't know is that the happy couple haven’t spoken a word to each other for ten years!

When the local parish priest arrives to surprise them and to renew their wedding vows all hell breaks loose!! From the writer of ‘It’s the Real McCoy’, a rip-roaring night of laughter is guaranteed.