Bereavement support meeting to take place in midlands next month

Traditions are very much associated with Christmas and the New Year. With fourteen face to face meetings across the country along with online support, bereavement charity Anam Cara, are encouraging parents in the midlands who have faced the death of a child, to reach out for support.

It can become a new tradition, attending a meeting once a month over the entire year. It is not a tradition anyone wants to have to start but sadly, organisations such as Anam Cara need to exist. Over 2,000 bereaved parents attended Anam Cara events in 2023 at no cost to themselves, all their services are free of charge.

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Anam Cara will hold their Midlands meeting in The Mullingar Park Hotel at 7.15pm. They welcome any bereaved parent, regardless of the age of the child or circumstances of death to the meeting.

Registration is not required to attend the meeting. Anam Cara would welcome any bereaved parent in the Midlands area. Anam Cara can be contacted on 085 2888888 or by email at