Ferbane actor Tadhg Devery.

Christmas Q&A: Ferbane actor to appear on prominent RTÉ Christmas ad

Rising star of the acting world, Ferbane’s Tadhg Devery starred in a national ad campaign for ESB earlier this year and an award-winning feature film, 'Follow the Dead' in which he featured prominently became available on Apple TV+ for the first time for Irish audiences to enjoy.

Tadhg also claimed the Best Supporting Actor award at the Dublin International Film Festival for his comedic role in the zombie apocalypse film 'Follow the Dead' last year.

The local actor recently filmed a new advertisement for Cadburys which will be shown on RTÉ before and during the Christmas movies over the festive period.

What is the build-up to Christmas like for you?

It's my favourite time of year, love the build up. I love to get out to the shops and soak in the atmosphere and getting the house decorated for Christmas just brings a great feeling, it makes the cold dark evenings a lot brighter.

How and where will you spend Christmas this year?

This year I will spend Christmas at my parents, my mother always puts on an amazing spread for dinner.

What does the Christmas season mean to you?

To me I reflect a lot on the year gone by, what I have achieved and accomplished.

Sometimes, you can forget with the hustle and bustle just how much you have done.

Who is your Christmas hero?

That would have to be my parents. No matter how tough times might get throughout the year, they are always there to help in whatever way they can, even the odd lift home from the pub does be a blessing at two o'clock in the morning.

What are you thankful for this year?

I suppose everything I've achieved, new friends I've made and excited for what's to come next year.

What's your favourite Christmas memory from times past?

That would have to be the big snow a few years ago, all the water pipes had frozen on Christmas Day so the father had to draw barrels of water from the neighbours on the transport box, just so we could keep the toilets and kettle filled. Nightmare at the time but funny now.

What's your best loved Christmas tradition?

Getting to the parents' house before the dinner and having a whisky or mulled wine.

What is your favourite Christmas song or movie?

Christmas song, Shakin Stephens, Merry Christmas Everyone. Favourite movie, Home Alone.

How will you ring in the New Year?

No plans made yet, could be a quiet one, we'll see.

What's your big hope for 2024?

Hopes for 2024 are high, I have a few things on my list I'd like to achieve, it's just a case of putting them in motion.