Cillian, Pat, Sandra and Megan Kelly.

Fundraiser to support Ballycumber man with cancer

A fundraiser which was recently set up to support Ballycumber resident Pat Kelly who is battling a rare form of cancer has raised some €15,000 to date.

The Pat Kelly & Family Benefit Fund fundraiser has a target of €20,000.

Taking to social media to express their gratitude for the huge support so far, the organisers said: “We are overwhelmed, and we know that Pat and family really appreciate it. To everyone who has donated, thank you for your generosity. To everyone who has shared the page, thank you for your kindness in helping us to raise awareness.”

Pat (47) was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer whilst attending the hospital in Tullamore after complaining of a pain in his foot in 2019.

He was referred to Vincent's Hospital and he underwent chemotherapy and subsequently had surgery to remove half of his foot. This was followed by more chemotherapy and radium. Pat then attended Cappagh Hospital in Dublin to have a special shoe fitted to support his balance.

In 2021, the cancer reoccurred, this time in Pat's lungs. Once again, he had to undergo chemotherapy sessions and six and a half weeks of radium in St James Hospital, Dublin. Despite a small respite, in 2023, the cancer came back again in his lungs and also on his side. During this time, he was being monitored closely, and in August, he became very ill and was rushed to Tullamore Hospital and transferred to Beaumont Hospital where he was diagnosed with two brain tumours.

The Pullough native had to have brain surgery twice in the space of one week and had both tumours removed. Since then, Pat has had six more cycles of chemotherapy and two and a half weeks of radium in St James. As of the end of November, he is being closely monitored and put on long-term palliative maintenance.

Pat's cousin and one of the members of the organising committee Sinéád Lynam said that the committee has been “overwhelmed with the generosity of people.”

“We launched the iDonate page on Monday night and in the space of 24 hours there was over €7,000 donated, and this increased to over €10,000 within 48 hours. We are blown away by people's goodwill. It really is testament to how popular Pat is.”

Sinéád added that donations have been “flying in” from neighbours and friends.

Pat is currently in hospital having chemotherapy and has been taken aback by everyone's kindness and generosity.

Pat's siblings and extended family have helped the family financially, but this isn't enough, as they are struggling with every day running costs and the additional costs associated with his hospital treatments. As Pat is unlikely to return to work for the foreseeable future, his family and friends have decided to set up this page to help Pat and his family through this difficult time and the months ahead.

The Kelly family are no strangers to cancer as Pat's wife Sandra was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2013 and had to have three-quarters of her colon removed. In 2017, she was diagnosed with the BACCA-2 gene, which resulted in her having a double mastectomy, a hysterectomy, and reconstruction. Fortunately, Sandra recovered and is doing well.

Throughout all of this, Pat and his family remain upbeat and strong but all of this has taken its toll on Pat and his family, both emotionally and financially.

Pat is also a well-known chef, having previously worked in the Bridge House, Tullamore, Hiney's, Ferbane, and even ran his own cafe for a while in Clara.

For the past 18 years, he has been working in Scally's Centra in Tullamore. Pat and Sandra have two teenage children, Cillian (17) and Megan (13.)

The Pat Kelly & Family Benefit Fund will also be hosting a Benefit Night on Saturday, February 17, in Ballycumber Community Centre. Simon Casey, Ruaile Buaile and John Molloy will all perform on the night along with other local artists.

Doors open at 8pm and there will be a raffle and and a bar on the night.

The tickets for the Benefit Night will go on sale in the coming week, and the Pat Kelly & Family Benefit Fund will keep people updated on where they can buy them via their Facebook page. Tickets cost €20 with all proceeds going towards Pat and his family.

To donate to the fundraiser search for 'Pat Kelly & Family Benefit Fund' on

Pat is the son of Fossy Kelly and the late Mary Jo Lynam.