New park plan for Monksland
A community park for Monksland has moved a step closer to reality, with Roscommon County Council commencing the planning process for the project.
Mooted for several years, the public park amenity is a huge plank of an overall plan to create a new 'heart' or 'centre' for Monksland, something locals in the area have long been calling for.
The council has published details of the proposal for the community park under the Part 8 process, by which local authorities consult on their own proposals.
The park would comprise of several interesting elements, including an “outdoor stage and amphitheatre seating, pavilions and informal seating, skatepark, flexible games area and outdoor play equipment”.
The planning application, lodged on November 1, indicates that the site comprises some 7,275 square metres of brownfield land to the west of Monksland Business Park.
The land is bordered to the south by Monksland Business Park and to north by residential gardens in Ceathru na Gloch, and is described as “an area of naturally regenerated scrub land”.
“The scheme aspiration is to ensure that the park is well connected to serve to the community. For this reason, two entrances have been designed to create a link between the north and the south,” according to The Design and Planning Statement, with the main entrance to the south east would have new metal gate and fence and will benefit from signage and art features to create a welcoming entrance. A third entrance would create a link with the adjacent business park.
Some of most eye-catching features include an outdoor performance area with tiered seating, a micro skate park and multipurpose play areas designed to facilitate several sports like basketball, table tennis. Then there's a range of play equipment and park furniture to cover shaded seating rest areas, seating, benches, cycle stands and signage.
Six parking spaces would be provided to access the amenity from Monksland Business Park, the plans also indicate, with proposed lighting to be mounted on four metre high columns to provide safe access route for users during darker hours.
Planting will comprise a mixture of parkland and managed lawn as well as a biodiversity garden. The proposals include the planting of over 50 trees as well as a shrub and ornamental planting.
Monksland Business Park is located just off the M6 via the new Tuam Road, opposite Monksland IDA Industrial Estate and Alexion.
Some of occupants of the Monksland Business Park include Innocoll pharmaceuticals and Monksland Pharmacy.
On its website, Roscommon County Council has listed the decision date for the park as December 14. It would be expected to come before a monthly council meeting in the future for formal approval, and for a report on any submissions received.
In early 2022, the Monksland park project got two separate positive funding announcements with €500,000 coming in February from the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, and €1.2 million from the Rural Regeneration Development Fund (RRDF) the month before.