Athlone ICA guild celebrates 70 years
Athlone ICA guild is celebrating 70 years in existence.
On Tuesday last, the Westmeath Federation of the ICA held their meeting in Athlone, and the local guild was host for the event with five groups in total in attendance.
There were best wishes from all present to Athlone guild on their milestone 70th birthday as a member of the ICA.
The federation extended our congratulations to Liz Brady, Castlepollard Guild, who represented Westmeath in the Brown Bread competition which was held at the Ploughing Championships.
Sympathies were extended Euphemia, a member of the Central Office staff on the death of her husband and to Sarah Caffrey on the death of her grandson.
The Childcare campaign is in progress. Some TDs have been approached and agree that it is a worthwhile campaign.
The guilds gave an account of their past and future activities. Mullingar Guild paid a visit to the Cavan County Museum, Ballyjamesduff. It is a great museum and worth a visit. They had a meal in Crover House Hotel, Mountnugent on the way home. They travelled by the Community Garda Bus.
Some of the members of the Horseleap/Streamstown Guild had a few days in Killarney and enjoyed it immensely. At the moment Grace Kinirons is giving a talk on nutrition and after that there will be four weeks of chair exercise.
Audrey Fox is booked to give a class on a Christmas arrangement and they are going to the Phil Coulter concert in the Arts Centre. They have a meal planned for November and some of the members are going to Galway for the day.
The Brotenstown/Ballinea Guild had a jewellery making class. They are going for a meal in the Annebrook House Hotel and a show in the Arts Centre.
Castlepollard Guild paid a visit to Fernhill Garden Centre in Athlone. They are going to the Little Mermaid in the Arts Centre. Grace will also be giving them a talk on nutrition.
The competition was a Harvest Platter and it was won by the Horseleap/Streamstown Guild.