Garda authorities say CCTV remains 'operational and effective'

Garda authorities say there are “no planned upgrades” to the current CCTV system in Athlone despite a recent meeting of the Athlone Moate Municipal District of Westmeath County Council hearing that the cameras are “no longer fit for purpose”.

Cllr Aengus O'Rourke, who highlighted the issue in a motion at the meeting, had issued a call to the Minister for Justice to upgrade the town system immediately, saying that many cameras don't work or the quality is very poor and unreliable.

However, on foot of a query from the Westmeath Independent, the garda authorities refuted this, claiming that all “all 26 cameras remain operational and effective”.

Cllr Aengus O'Rourke said the Garda statement is another example of the “continuing denial” in relation to policing in Athlone, from Chief Superintendent rank and above. “We face a continuing crisis here in Athlone and it is simply not good enough,” he said.

“We are well used to Garda management telling us that everything is in order, there are no issues, we have plenty of Gardai, there is no policing crisis in Athlone, etc. etc. When we know the opposite to be the case,” he stated.

“I base my claims on the information I get from the rank and file members of An Garda Siochana working in Athlone Garda Barracks. The men and women trying to use the system tell me that it is not fit for purpose, I trust what they are telling me is true.”

The CCTV system in Athlone town was installed back in 2012, according to Gardaí. It consists of 26 different cameras, all of which are positioned along the main commercial areas and roads across the town.

“The original contractors remain responsible for ongoing maintenance of the system, including general maintenance and also on specific request (from) An Garda Síochána from time to time,” the statement from the Garda Press Office pointed out. “There are no planned upgrades to the current CCTV system at this time, but all such CCTV systems remain under ongoing review as to their effectiveness, capacity and potential upgrade,” it added.

However, the Fianna Fáil councillor dismissed the assertion that all of the town's cameras are working well, saying that one crime very recently could not be pursued because the cameras did not work nearby.

“I therefore dismiss entirely their assertion that the CCTV system in Athlone is functioning properly.”

On foot of his motion, Westmeath County Council has sent a letter to the Garda Commissioner and the Minister calling on them both to invest in an upgrade and extension of the camera system in Athlone.