Over 140 needles found during clean up near Battery Bridge
A total of 141 used needles were found and removed during a clean-up of the area adjacent to Battery Bridge in Athlone on September 28.
Shay Hamilton from Athlone Canal Heritage group said that he was contacted by Cllr Aengus O'Rourke who had asked the council to remove the laurel tree at the corner of Battery Bridge due to a number of complaints from residents regarding drug dealing in the area.
Mr Hamilton said that the clean-up was carried out to make the area “more presentable”.
He said the incident highlighted the risk to children who could have picked up a needle prior to the clean-up.
He added that the area “looks better with the laurel tree reduced” and said that people couldn't see traffic coming up the road prior to this as it was a “blind spot.”
In relation to the discovery of the needles, Mr Hamilton said: "I think it's an ongoing issue. We're no different than any other town, it's not a unique Athlone problem.”
The clean-up was carried out by Community Employment Scheme workers, who found the needles discarded in a bush at College Park. Mr Hamilton said that “every time they moved a foot, there was a needle.”
The heritage group contacted the community warden and the WCC outdoor staff removed the low branches from the laurel tree, raised the canopy by six foot and the cuttings from the tree were mulched.
Mr Hamilton thanked all those who took part in the clean up for their efforts.