Athlone Boat Club's Paul Gallen celebrating success in the World Masters Rowing Regatta in South Africa.

Reynolds shines in Tullamore as Gallen excels at home and abroad

Rowing: Athlone Boat Club News

Last Saturday was a day that promised wind and heavy rain but this did not deter Athlone Boat Club members traveling to Tullamore to compete in Offaly Rowing Club’s annual Head of the River Regatta.

The day started early for the club with Paul Gallen, Luke Hannon and Aidan Molloy taking to the water just outside the clubhouse of Offaly Rowing Club.

Paul, having just returned from the Worlds Master Regatta in South Africa where he won three medals, once again showed the talent this man has with an exceptional performance to once again take another win. This is the third year in a row that Paul has won this event in Masters 1X.

Luke Hannon produced an exceptional row on the day but missed out marginally on the medals. Aidan Molloy, having originally rowed for Offaly Rowing Club before joining Athlone, was very comfortable on familiar waters and displayed exceptional rowing on the day to take a win in his category of Men’s Junior16 1X.

Aidan Molloy.

The weather started to turn for the worse with heavy rain and increased head winds as the next group took to the water. For some of these kids, this was their first time to race in this individual sculling event and each of them should feel very proud of themselves. Exceptional rowing was demonstrated on the day with some great placings within the relevant age groups.

Athlone Boat Club's Sophie Reynolds had an outstanding row which saw her take the win in her category of Women’s Junior14 1X. It was not just this win that made Sophie stand out but her overall ranking on the day which saw her outperforming Junior 15, 16 and 18 rowers, both male and female, from around the country. It looks like 2024 will bring great things for Sophie.

Sophie Reynolds.

Each and every rower on the day - Paul Gallen, Luke Hannon, Sophie Reynolds, George Mhitarjans, Sarah Rockett, Ella Colsh, Ciaran Starken, Isabella Harington, Jack Hensey, Maya Rose Harrington and Evin Claffey - is applauded for the commitment to compete in what was not the nicest of days, weather wise. Compliments to the Regatta Committee of Offaly Rowing Club for delivering a very organised, safe event which Athlone Boat Club look forward to visiting again in 2024.

Club Captain Nick Friel acknowledges the entire coaching team in supporting all the club’s rowers in preparation for this event, including senior coach Fergie Hannon for his support in getting the fleet of boats over to the event and back to the club. Thanks also to the parents who travel the length of the country continuously taking their children to these events.

Finally, the club pays tribute to Paul Gallen. Under beautiful clear skies in 33c heat and an altitude of 1,500m above sea level the World Masters Rowing Regatta was recently held in Tshwane, South Africa.

Athlone Boat Club’s Paul competed and won three gold medals. He stroked the Irish quad to victory in a very convincing team performance Paul also won gold in an 8+ international crew boat. On the last day of the regatta, Paul won another gold in a mixed quad.