Quilts remembering victims of Troubles to be exhibited in Athlone

Athlone Castle will host ‘A Tribute to Innocents’, a Memorial Quilts exhibition in collaboration with the South East Fermanagh Foundation (SEFF).

The exhibition will be officially opened on Tuesday, October 10, at 6pm and will continue until October 24 as part of general visitor admissions.

The South East Fermanagh Foundation is committed to supporting victim survivors of 'The Troubles', and many of these families are represented on the ‘Terrorism knows NO Borders’ quilt which includes; Irish Army, Garda and Prison Service personnel, as well as civilian victims of all forms of violence.

SEFF's Director Kenny Donaldson explains: "We are pleased that Athlone Castle have agreed to work collaboratively with us in facilitating the display of four of our seven Memorial Quilts".

He said the memorial quilts on display will remember the innocents, ordinary yet extraordinary men, women, and children from across the community and who were victims of terrorism in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Great Britain.

The key messages of the memorial quilts are: Violence was futile and totally unjustified, those remembered are wholly innocent and the legacy of those represented will live on amongst those left behind.

Mr Donaldson added: "SEFF's doors are open and welcoming to all innocents, whether victimised by republican or loyalist terrorism or through criminal-based actions committed by members of the security forces. SEFF is not defined by constitutional politics or denominational religion – it’s our values that unite us, consistent opposition to violence".

The quilts were developed by a team of special volunteers within SEFF under the guidance of a project facilitator. The quilts which will be displayed are titled, “Your Legacy Lives On”, “A Patchwork of Innocents”, “Terrorism knows No Borders”, and “Lives that Mattered”.

The Terrorism knows No Borders Quilt will be of particular interest to those from the Midlands with individuals remembered including Garda Richard Fallon, Garda Henry Byrne, Garda John Morley, and Pte Patrick Kelly - all of whom have connections to the area. Also remembered on this quilt are the innocents of Dublin-Monaghan and Belturbet, bombings.

Athlone Castle will display the temporary exhibition “A Tribute to Innocents” from Tuesday, October 10 until Tuesday, October 24 in the lower Keep.

Normal admission rates apply.

For further information on the exhibition contact Athlone Castle on Tel: 090 6442130.