Flanagan confident in coalition after announcing his retirement

Vivienne Clarke

Former justice  minister Charlie Flanagan, who has announced that he will not be contesting the next election, has expressed confidence that a Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael coalition will be returned to government.

In an interview on Newstalk’s Pat Kenny show, Mr Flanagan said he would not be voting or supporting Sinn Féin in government.

Opinion polls over the last two years “steadily and consistently” indicated that Micheál Martin and Leo Varadkar were popular, and he had no doubt that they would “continue to work assiduously and prioritise the needs of the people of Ireland".

Mr Flanagan explained that he announced his decision not to run in the next election at a constituency meeting to discuss the split of Laois-Offaly into two three seat constituencies.

“It was an appropriate opportunity for me to signal my intention to the organisation, to my strong supporters, to my shield carriers and to my sword carriers that I will not be a candidate in the next election.

AdvertisementThe role nowadays is 24/7 with the news cycle, with social media, with the demands of the public.Advertisement

“It's over 36 years since I stood. I've had a long innings. I need to discharge my public duties until the end of my electoral mandate, and that could well be another year. But that will be up to Leo Varadkar and others, not me.”

Mr Flanagan acknowledged that politics was a demanding, increasingly high-pressure career. “The role nowadays is 24/7 with the news cycle, with social media, with the demands of the public. And things are somewhat volatile.

“Oftentimes the work of a TD can be somewhat chaotic. That's my own experience. And yes, there have been a number of incidents where I felt my own personal safety was at stake. However, I don't wish to dwell on the negativity because I don't think there's any other arena where you meet on a daily basis, such an array of different characters and challenges, incidents, unexpected events, surprises.

“And that's why I think there is room for young, active, energetic, committed people in politics. That's our democratic system. I don't think politicians should be cowed or should be defeated by the emergence of what is a serious and dangerous fringe on both sides of the political spectrum of hopefuls.”

When asked how his family felt about his decision not to contest the next election, Mr Flanagan said there would have been resistance if he had decided to run again, particularly from his two daughters.

Serving as Minister for Justice had been a challenging experience in terms of his own personal safety. “But I'm an adult. I'm around a long time. I'm able to look after myself for the most part. But I do hear what my colleagues are saying, and particularly my women colleagues, about life and politics, both here and across the water. I think we need to be conscious of that. And I also think that members of the public need to be conscious of the fragility of democracy.”

People were drifting towards the fringes so it was important for the public to have “centre-ground representation” which was what Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil offered, he said.

I've been threatened by people described as far right. I've been threatened by people described as far left.Advertisement

It was “simplistic” to label people as right or left. “I've been threatened by people described as far right. I've been threatened by people described as far left.

“We see unacceptable behaviour on both sides of the political spectrum. Of course, I accept that. You know, in politics, things won't always go the way that you want them to go. It's, you know, it's a high pressure life.

“People perhaps need to take a stance and need to stake the ground. You know, we've had 100 years of independence. Ireland is a respected country all over the world. Our political system is almost free of corruption compared to most countries in the world.

“Ireland is still a reasonably safe country. So after a hundred years, we can be proud of how far our country has come. But I don't hear that. I don't hear it in the media. I don't hear it in the streets.”

Mr Flanagan said there would not be a member of his family following in his political footsteps. His daughters had opted for different careers.

Politics moved in cycles, he said. He had served under six party leaders. Politics needed to regenerate and reorganise, which was what Fine Gael was doing.

As for the future, Mr Flanagan said there were many issues he intended to pursue. “I do some international work and I have a great interest in peace and reconciliation on the island of Ireland. I fully support what Micheál Martin is doing in his concept of a shared island and to John Hume concept of uniting people. And so this is an area that I'm going to continue my work in.”