Children using a former short boardwalk at Carn Park bog which was subsequently removed.

New Carn Park Bog trail link plans published

Plans for a new boardwalk trail in the Baylin area are being published for public consultation.

The boardwalk trail is designed to cross Carn Park Bog linking the Baylin Bog trail and Carn Park forest trail.

Baylin Development and Residents Association was successful a number of years ago in securing funding under the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme to carry out a feasibility study for the provision of a boardwalk.

Cllr Frankie Keena praised the excellent foresight and work of the Baylin Development and Residents Association. He said: "The potential benefits of this to students for educational walks and indeed the wider community for recreation is enormous."

With the administrative support of the Municipal District of Athlone Moate the feasibility report has now been completed, the plan has been published under Part VIII of the Planning and Development Act, which allows public bodies to consult with the public on proposals.

Cllr Keena said the plans are now available for public viewing with the option for the public to make observations. If this planning is approved it will then pave the way for an application to be made to the Department under Measure 3 ORIS funding for implementation of the boardwalk, he said.

The most recent project delivered by the dedicated members within the Baylin Development & Residents Group was the development of the Baylin Bog Trail including the extension of a footpath out from the village which has created a very popular 2.5 kms walking loop. This was allocated funding through the Just Transition Fund, said Cllr. Keena.