Tabling amendments to constituency boundary changes would be chaotic – Tánaiste

By Rebecca Black, PA

The Tánaiste has urged against tabling amendments to any changes that may be suggested in the constituency boundary changes report.

Recommendations by the Electoral Commission are set to be published next week.

It comes after the latest census in May found that Ireland’s population had increased by 8 per cent to 5.15 million.

Speaking to media in Dublin on Friday, Micheál Martin stressed the boundaries are drawn by an independent commission.

“There will be complaints, I’m always relatively calm about these things: it did affect my constituency the last time,” he said.

“It is difficult, it is challenging particularly for Dublin where constituencies change quite significantly.

“It will be significant for individuals, for parties, but also for the Oireachtas in terms of the expansion of the Oireachtas, which I think is a good thing.

“But if one gets into a position where you have individual TDs or groups tabling amendments, that would be chaotic.”