A bowl of blackberries picked by Lynda.


Food as Medicine column by Lynda McFarland

The hedgerows are full of them right now, they are said to be the healthiest of all the berries and best of all, they are free!

Blackberries are a rich source of vitamin C and anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant linked with heart health.

Studies link blackberries with cancer prevention and with slowing down the growth of tumours and their high manganese content means they are an important ingredient for good brain function.

They are also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral and said to help with arthritis and gastric conditions such as stomach ulcers, infections and cold sores. All in all, a perfect example of food as medicine and all free from Mother Nature's medicine cabinet, this is a great year for them so get picking, and store as jam and cordials or freeze to pop in yoghurt or smoothies.

A spoon of blackberry jam in hot water can make a lovely, soothing tea for sore throats, full of vitamin C.

Apple and Blackberry Jam

500g apples

500g blackberries

1kg organic sugar

Juice of one lemon

1. Chop up the apples and place in a large pot with the lemon juice and 1 cup water, bring to boil and simmer until broken down.

2. Add the blackberries and sugar and simmer until setting point for approximately 40-45 minutes.

3. Transfer to sterilised jars and store or give as gifts, enjoy in yoghurt, on toast, in hot water, with pancakes etc.

Blackberry Cordial

500g blackberries

250g organic sugar

Zest and juice of 1 lemon or lime

1. Heat the berries and zest in a saucepan with 50ml water, simmer until the fruit breaks down, then strain.

2. Transfer the juice and sugar to a clean pan and heat until the sugar iswell dissolved, then stir in the lemon or lime juice and pour into a sterilised bottle. Enjoy with still or sparkling water or in cocktails or mocktails, I use it to flavour my fermented drinks, kombucha and kefir.

Lynda McFarland is a local nutritional therapist, cheft and co-owner of Lowe. & Co Organic Grocery on O'Connell Street, Athlone along with her partner Eddie Lowe. Lowe & Co. opened in 2016 to provide nourishing chemical free food that Lynda's nutrition clients were finding it difficult to source locally, such as sourdough breads and other fermented foods, organic vegetables, meat and dairy. Lynda manages the shop and Eddie manages their small-holding where they grow vegetables and keep chickens and pigs, and hopefully this year, bees for honey. Lowe & Co. is open Thursday to Saturday from 9.30am to 5.30pm.