Ireland generated 1.2 million tonnes of packaging waste in 2021

James Cox

Ireland generated 1.2 million tonnes of packaging waste in 2021.

Only 28 percent of plastic packaging waste was recycled - a long way off the 2025 EU target of 50 percent.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said Ireland's overall recycling rate fell from 62 per cent in 2020 to 58 per cent in 2021.

It must reach 65 per cent in 2025.

“Urgent measures are needed to reduce the quantity of packaging waste,” said Michael Lehane, the EPA’s environmental sustainability director.

“Our current rate of production and consumption of packaging represents a poor use of materials and energy and is a growing source of emissions.

“Packaging waste can be avoided and reduced by replacing single use with reusable packaging, current examples include pallets, boxes and trays, and through better product design such as lightweight packaging.”