John Butler, Portlick Scout Campsite, Cllr Louise Heavin, Mayor of the Athlone Moate Municipal District, Gerry Callaghan, New Horizon Athlone, and others, pictured with some of the children who took part in the activities at Portlick Scout Campsite in Glasson, Athlone, last week.

PHOTOS: Athlone campsite hosts two-day event for children from war-torn countries

Portlick Scout Campsite in Athlone hosted two days of activities for displaced children from war-torn countries last week.

Approximately 150 children took part in the event on Thursday and Friday last.

The organisers were delighted to have both Cllr Liam McDaniel, the Cathaoirleach of Westmeath County Council, and Cllr Louise Heavin, Mayor of the Athlone Moate Municipal District, pay a visit during the event.

The campsite's management board provided its facilities and activities free of charge as a gesture of welcome to the displaced children now living in our communities.

Westmeath Community Development, and New Horizon Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support, also supported the event by co-ordinating the groups and providing transport to and from Portlick.

You can view some photos from the event here:

(Back row) Gerry Callaghan, John Butler, and Cllr Liam McDaniel, Cathaoirleach, Westmeath County Council, with some of the children who took part in the event.
Tag Archery was one of the activities which the children had a chance to sample.
John Butler of Portlick Scout Campsite and Cllr Liam McDaniel.