Costa Coffee on Athlone's Ballymahon Road: A planning decision on a proposed extension to its premises is due this week.

Planning verdict due on Athlone coffee shop extension

A decision is expected later this week on a proposed extension to the Costa Coffee premises on Athlone's Ballymahon Road.

The development would involve the addition of a new 65 square metre seating area, but concerns about the impact this would have on parking have been raised by the proprietor of the adjacent SuperValu supermarket, Mary Croughan.

In June, MBCC Foods Ireland Ltd applied to Westmeath County Council for planning permission to extend the Costa premises, which is one of two Athlone branches of the multinational coffee chain.

The application stated that the work would consist of "extension to existing coffee shop to comprise of new seating area to front (west) of shop (65 sq m), external signage to include new signage... internally illuminated letters, internal alterations to include new toilets and extended bin store."

The one public submission received in relation to the proposed extension was from Ms Croughan, of SuperValu, who said she was concerned it would result in "an unacceptable intensification of traffic volumes and movement" which would "impact negatively on the overall shared parking" for the area.

She stated that there were "currently 124 shared surface car parking spaces available at Avondale Neighbourhood Centre... which includes the existing SuperValu store, Athlone Opticians, Concannon's Total Health Care Pharmacy, League Barbers and Costa Coffee.

"On review of the current car parking layout in situ there is no spare capacity for additional parking for this increased floor space," she stated.

"The proposal ultimately promotes car dependency and is a stand-alone destination use. The proposed extension will only increase dwell times resulting in carparking spaces not being available for long periods of time for other shoppers to the centre."

Ms Croughan said that "as the owner of the adjacent SuperValu store we hope our views are taken into consideration," and that she would welcome engagement in relation to the concerns she raised.

"We trust the planning authority will consider these points in preparation of a decision to refuse permission for the proposed development," she wrote.

The date by which Westmeath County Council is due to issue its decision on the Costa planning application is this Sunday, August 20.