Cllr Tom Farrell and Cllr John Dolan.

Two Athlone-area Fine Gael councillors planning another election tilt

The two Fine Gael councillors in the Athlone Moate Municipal District, John Dolan and Tom Farrell, will both seek to retain their seats at next year's local elections, but running mates for the pair have not yet been chosen.

The party is due to hold a selection convention in this area in September or October, and it's anticipated that an urban candidate will be chosen to stand alongside Cllr Dolan in the five-seat Athlone electoral area.

Cllr Farrell, from Walderstown, is in the four-seat Moate electoral area, which covers a large part of of the south and centre of the county. It's thought that Fine Gael will also be seeking to run a second candidate alongside Cllr Farrell in the Moate area.

"I'm looking forward to standing again. The five years (since the last election) have flown," said Cllr Farrell.

Cllr Dolan told the Westmeath Independent that convincing people to put their name on the ballot paper wasn't easy.

"The party are looking for an urban candidate in Athlone, but it's hard to get people to run. Even for (sitting councillors) putting your name forward is not a simple thing. People have their various commitments, and it can be hard to commit to it," he said.

At the last local elections, in 2019, Cllr Farrell topped the poll in the Moate electoral area, and Cllr Dolan also polled strongly in Athlone, while their respective running mates, Damien Clear and Alan Shaw, missed out on seats.

The local elections will be taking place in May or June of next year.