Alan Shaw, outgoing president of Athlone Chamber.

New President for Athlone Chamber as Shaw steps down

Athlone Chamber of Commerce will have a new president after Alan Shaw stepped down following three years at the helm.

Mr Shaw stepped down as the chamber held its Annual General Meeting on July 20 in the Radisson Blu Hotel.

Alan was first elected President in July 2020 and thanked the board for electing him over the past three years.

Speaking at the AGM, Alan said: “The last three years has brought a lot of change to the Chamber, but with the continued growth in our membership we are stronger than ever. The support from Westmeath County Council has enabled the Chamber to fund many new projects to help local businesses and act as a voice for them at local and national level.

“I am also mindful that working alongside our Chamber colleagues in Mullingar has been an important change in recent years and it is key that this collaborative approach should continue.”

At the AGM, board members expressed heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the outgoing president for his invaluable contributions and outstanding leadership throughout his tenure. During his term, Athlone Chamber of Commerce achieved remarkable milestones, creating an environment conducive to business growth and fostering meaningful connections among members.

"We extend our sincere thanks to Alan for his exceptional leadership, dedication, and unwavering commitment to Athlone Chamber of Commerce and the local business community," said Tommy Hogan, CEO of Athlone Chamber of Commerce.

"His vision and strategic initiatives have played a vital role in propelling our Chamber forward, and we are immensely grateful for his contributions."

The AGM also saw the election of Regina Bushell as Vice-President and she vowed to support the Chamber team in the coming years and will work alongside the new President, who will be appointed by the board later this autumn.