Fianna Fáil Cllr Aengus O’Rourke and TUS President, Vincent Cunnane, pictured at a meeting to discuss the future of the old RTC/Tech building in Northgate Street.

Renewed hope old Tech building can be brought back to life

An Athlone councillor has expressed confidence that the local authority and TUS will bring the old Tech building in Northgate Street, currently in a very “poor condition”, back to life in the next few years as an education and enterprise hub.

Fianna Fáil's Aengus O'Rourke was speaking after architects and surveyors were spotted on-site in recent weeks as part of the preparation of new design plans to map the future of the prominent former RTC premises, once home to the design department.

In addition, he confirmed that work is underway to bring power to the building so security can be enhanced in the immediate term, something that will be welcomed by many locals worried about the state of premises in recent times. Electricity is also needed to facilitate larger scale work in the short to medium term.

Cllr O'Rourke has been working with TUS, the current leaseholders of the building up to 2027, to improve the building in advance of more substantial plans to bring it back to purposeful use.

A feasibility study and plans were previously drawn up to repurpose what was known as the old Tech building into a co-working enterprise hub during Cllr O'Rourke's term as Mayor, with the assistance of funding from Chamber of Commerce and the Just Transition Fund.

“Westmeath County Council and TUS are working together on a plan to reinvent this beautiful old building. The vision is to create an education and enterprise hub, so this will be a major capital project and our aim is to avail of Just Transition funding to carry out this work,” he told the Westmeath Independent this week.

A part of Athlone's history and heritage, Cllr O'Rourke believes this beautiful building has “huge potential” in the years ahead, but it does need major funding and major work before that can be realised.

“Currently, it is in very poor condition and it needs major work to bring it back to life. The plan we have will do just that; importantly it will provide a town centre connection with our new university and the building will also host an enterprise and business incubation facility with the latest in IT and digital connectivity,” he added.

Design plans for the building are currently underway, led by TUS, and Cllr O'Rourke explained that in recent meetings with TUS President Vincent Cunnane he made it very clear to him that “this project was high on his list of priorities”.

At Monday's meeting of Athlone Municipal District, the council said in response to a question from Cllr Frankie Keena, that they are "working with TUS to progress the regeneration of this site and it is expected that a Design Team to prepare the documentation required to secure planning permission will be appointed in the near future".

“Reinventing this building has been a priority of mine in recent years,” Cllr O'Rourke underlined. “While the building is not in the council's ownership or control, I am now satisfied that working with TUS as partners we can and will bring the old Tech building back to life in the next couple of years.”

TUS has been contacted for comment on the plans for the old RTC building in Northgate Street, but at the time of going to press nothing has been forthcoming.