CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE LEFT: Michaela Barrington, Minister Peter Burke and Richie Clinton (school principal). Aine Cummins, Molly Elliffe, Simone Montgomery and Aoibheann Kelly from sixth class. Cormac Lynam, Eve Farrell, Lizzie Moran and Rian Moran from senior infants. Faye McCormack and Robyn Melody enjoying the sunny weather on the day.
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Aine Cummins, Molly Elliffe, Simone Montgomery and Aoibheann Kelly from 6th class.
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Faye McCormack and Robyn Melody at Streamstown NS.
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Cormac Lynam, Eve Farrell, Lizzie Moran and Rian Moran from senior infants.
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Amy Temperli (5th class) and Caoimhe Lynam (4th class) helped Minister Peter Burke raise the flag.
Staff and students at Streamstown NS welcomed Minister Peter Burke to raise their Blue Star flag on Monday 19 June.
This flag represented the culmination of work carried out by the children from third to sixth classes during the school year.
In order to achieve the award, pupils researched the 27 EU member countries and did projects about each. In November 2022, the school had a visit from Maria Walsh, MEP, who talked to them about the European Parliament and work of an MEP.
The staff and children of Streamstown NS enjoyed participating in the Blue Star programme, and staff said they are sure they have some future MEPs in their midst!