Daingean NS | Midlands Science has received RTÉ Toy Show funding to expand its outreach programming across the Midlands in 2023.

Midlands Science awarded RTÉ Toy Show support

Midlands Science has been awarded funding from the RTÉ Toy Show grants for 2023 by the Community Foundation of Ireland. The support will allow the organisation to expand its free outreach programming with a particular focus on the science of climate change and reaching groups of people who may not usually engage with such outreach.

Pauline Nally, Business Development Executive of Midlands Science, commented: “Midlands Science is delighted to receive this support from the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal. The grant will help us to drive greater engagement with science in a range of communities with a particular focus on those who are least likely to engage. We previously received support from the Toy Show in 2022 and this work was profiled nationally and we look forward to what we will achieve in 2023 and beyond with this support. As a leading organisation in science outreach, we have a variety of partners who allow us to do this work and we would encourage anyone who wants to learn more about what we do and how you can be part of this vital work to get in touch.”

In an average year, Midlands Science reaches 16,000 people through a range of outreach activities and projects, all designed to create greater engagement with science, technology, engineering and maths. All activities are designed to be fun, engaging and relevant to people’s everyday lives, demonstrating that STEM is all around us and understanding STEM can be a vital life skill. In recent years, it has received numerous awards for its work. The work is delivered in partnership with a variety of corporate, state, and philanthropic partners who share the same commitment to delivering science outreach in a creative and equitable way. Upcoming activities later this year include more outreach in schools and with groups and activities for Science Week and Maths Week and a number of other projects linked to topics such as health, climate action and biodiversity. More information can be found here.