Over €150k funding to 18 local biodiversity projects
Over €150,000 is being allocated to 18 biodiversity projects in Westmeath and Roscommon as part of an overall €2.7m in funding for local biodiversity projects announced today by Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan.
Over €2.5 million is being awarded to local authorities to carry out biodiversity projects through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund (LBAF) and a further €193,000 is being granted to the natural history recording community through the Small Recording Grants scheme.
Some €99,997 has been awarded to initiatives in Westmetah while four projects in Roscommon will share funding totalling €52,730.
Operated by the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the LBAF was first launched in 2018. Since then, a total of just over €6m has been granted to local authorities through the LBAF for projects that support actions in the 3rd National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP). This year’s grants will build on that investment.
A total of 188 projects have been approved across all 31 local authorities, covering a range of biodiversity-related activities, including invasive alien species control, dune restoration, wetland surveys and biodiversity awareness and training.
Locally, Westmeath and Roscommon local authorities have been funded along with six others to monitor the am delighted to see that Offaly is joining with seven other local authorities to monitor the Quagga mussel invasive species in the Shannon.
A major survey of 26 wetland sites in Westmeath is also funded whilst Invasive Alien Species Management Plans in both Westmeath and Roscommon are funded, including a €27,370 allocation for this work at Belvedere House, Gardens and Park.
The full list is, as follows:
Invasive Alien Species Management Plan for Belvedere House, Gardens and Park €27,370
Wetlands Survey of 26 sites €14,450
Waders Survey at Lough Ennell, Lough Derravaragh and Lough Owel €11,475
Biodiversity Surveys at Culleenmore, Ranelagh, Athlone and Clonmore €8,500
Hedgerow Survey €7,650
Pollinator Awareness Radio Ads €6,375
Sand Martins project €4,420
River Shannon Quagga Mussel project €4,119
Biodiversity Enhancement Plan at Coolure Demense €4,080
Barn Owl Project €2,975
Bryophytes Survey of Ardan Woods€2,588
Barn Owl Booklet €2,561
Biodiversity Training for Council staff and the public.€2,125
Crayfish Awareness €1,309
County Actions for Pollinators €19,593
County Tree Map Survey €14,532
Invasive Alien Species Treatment Programme €14,485
River Shannon Quagga Mussel project €4,120