Pictured at the Darkness into Light Athlone Registration Day in Golden Island Shopping Centre, recently, were, from left to right: Carmel Carroll (DIL Athlone committee), Alma Brennan (DIL Athlone committee), Ray Connellan ( DIL supporter), Eimear Felle (Pieta House).

Darkness into Light event set to take place in Athlone

This year's Darkness Into Light walk in Athlone takes place on Saturday, May 6.

Darkness into Light is organised by Pieta and proudly supported by Electric Ireland since 2013. It is a global movement dedicated to ending suicide and supporting those who engage in self-harm.

Athlone's Darkness into Light committee members are Carmel Carroll, Jannette Nestor, Amy Maloney, Alma Brennan and Karen Halligan, all very proud to be involved in this year's event.

The Athlone event starts and finishes at Athlone Town Football stadium. Participants will start running or walking at 4.15am and light refreshments will be served following the event.

Carmel Carroll, Athlone DIL committee member, said: "I have been involved in organising this event for the last eight years and knowing that the funds raised on the night will help to keep the Athlone Pieta house open and providing such a fantastic service for people in the Midlands makes all the effort worthwhile. We are so lucky to have this service available to us locally."

Stephanie Manahan, CEO, Pieta commented: “Over 80% of Pieta’s annual funds are raised every year from public donations and by people taking part and supporting events like Darkness Into Light. Everyone is invited to sign up at www.darknessintolight.ie to make a valuable contribution.''

Pat Fenlon, Executive Director of Electric Ireland said: “Electric Ireland has sponsored Darkness into Light since 2013. Each year we work with Pieta to create marketing and fundraising campaigns to promote awareness of this unique event."