Volunteers from Athlone Tidy Towns and the Athlone Canal Heritage Group took part in a canal clean-up in the town in April, with the image on the right showing some of the debris collected.

Athlone canal clean-up among local efforts for 'National Spring Clean 2023'

A clean-up of Athlone's canal was one of the local projects carried out as part of the National Spring Clean anti-littering campaign in April.

Throughout the month, the initiative encouraged communities from across Ireland to tackle the problem of litter in local areas and to see the benefits of a litter-free environment.

Close to 70 groups in Westmeath registered to carry out clean-ups locally, with these taking place in Athlone, Ballymahon, Castlepollard and Mullingar, among other areas.

Athlone Tidy Towns along with the Athlone Canal Heritage Group organised the clean-up of Athlone canal, removing litter and debris along a stretch from Battery Road bridge to Galway Road bridge.

It's estimated that 2,000 volunteers took part in Spring Clean efforts in Westmeath during the month of April, removing around 10 tonnes of litter.

National Spring Clean is operated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce in partnership with Local Authorities and supported by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and Mars Wrigley Ireland.

The initiative has been running for the last 24 years.

Environment Minister Eamon Ryan paid tribute to the volunteers who had given their time to help out with clean-ups.

"The commitment of volunteers in continuing to organise local clean-ups each year is a testament to the spirit in Irish communities and I would urge as many people as possible to get involved in the campaign.

"My Department will continue to support the campaign and An Taisce, whose role in organising this successful campaign each year, deserves to be acknowledged," said the Minister.