Avril Egan with Italian art critic Salvatore Russo

Curraghboy artist received prestigious award

Local artist Avril Egan has received a prestigious award in Italy for her artwork.

The awards ceremony took place in the Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy on Thursday, April 6.

Italian art critic Salvatore Russo discovered Avril's work when she was featured in British Vogue last year and decided to put forward her work for nomination for the International Award Leonardo Da Vinci.

Avril spoke of her surprise at being contact by the art critic saying: “I kind of thought it was a scam at the beginning. I couldn't believe it. But after a few days when I realised that the invitation went out and I had to go to Milan I was like 'okay this is legit'.”

The Curraghboy native added: “I never thought that my art would take me internationally. It was an unreal experience to get to go abroad.”

Avril received the award for her piece, 'The Falling and Calling of Our Lady' which depicts Our Lady and was on display in the Luan Gallery last year. She explained: “I kind of do religious themes but I have a bit of a twist in them. I'm inspired by Latin American art and Frida Kahlo's work and was inspired from that.”

'The Falling and Calling of Our Lady" has also been published in Contemporary Celebrity Masters Vol. II compiled by Salvatore Russo.

Avril added: “It was a great experience. It kind of felt like a graduation and it was lovely to go up and receive the award and to finally meet the Russo brothers critics in person. I am so honoured to have been selected and to my surprise the only Irish artist among so many talented artists from all corners of the globe.”

“I didn't even think an art critic would come across my stuff so I was kind of caught on the hop. I got to meet him (Salvatore Russo) and meet other figures and artists like myself that were nominated too."

The NUIG graduate also enjoyed exploring the city of Milan and had the opportunity to visit a number of galleries and museums.

On future plans, Avril said that she might consider art classes. “There's a few people asking me would I teach some art lessons so it might be something I consider now because my confidence has grown as an artist.”

The award-winning artist enjoys working with oil paints but said she uses a bit of everything in her work such as acrylics and pastels. “I love painting nature and animals and landscapes and I like fashion and to paint outfit ideas. As I grow older I'm learning more about the world and the things that inspire me. My art is always evolving.”

On the same week that Avril received this impressive accolade she also moved into a new house in St Frances Terrace, Athlone with her partner Josh Carney. Avril said: “The house is my new canvas at the moment so that's taken up a lot of my time.”

Avril's art previously featured in the Gallery Section of British Vogue magazine. The high fashion magazine asked Avril for a new painting each month to feature her in their Gallery Section for a number of months last year.

Avril also recently worked on a website and illustrations for Siobhan Lally's new book, 'The Violet Mist.'

For more information visit Avril's website eganart1997.wixsite.com. You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram @eganart1997