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Snoring is costing Irish people nearly three weeks of sleep per year

As Stop Snoring Week kicks off, a whopping 87 percent of Irish people have admitted that their partner’s snoring stops them from enjoying a well-earned rest at night. This is leaving them feeling annoyed (46%) frustrated (45%) and even stressed out (28%).

It’s a widespread problem, with 91% of Irish people saying that they or their partner regularly snores, with most saying their noisy partner wakes them at least twice a night. As a result, nearly a quarter (24%) of the sleepless people polled said their partner's snoring leaves them unable to concentrate at work the following day.

With nearly one in ten people having even considered splitting-up due to the night-time disturbance, audiology experts at Specsavers are keen to remind people that one simple device could save all this hardship – the ear plug. A range of hearing protection is available at Specsavers stores across Ireland and this simple solution can help the long-suffering partner get a decent night’s sleep.

Specsavers Ireland Audiology Chairperson, Martina McNulty, said: "This research shows the significant impact that being exposed to snoring can have on your sleep and your general health and wellbeing.

"There’s no doubt that some snoring can cause considerable disruption, but it will sound even louder because there are no other ambient, background noises in the room. All you can hear is the snoring, which can be incredibly frustrating and stressful.

"If you are struggling to get a peaceful night sleep, there are some easy solutions. Earplugs are a great way to block out any noise that may be keeping you up, and they should feel comfortable in your ears, no matter how you sleep.

"Not only can they help with snoring, they can block out any other noise that may be keeping you up, such as noisy neighbours, busy streets and loud traffic."

The effects of snoring to both snorer and their partner are wide ranging and could be much more common than people think. According to the data, the average Irish person can lose up to a staggering 414 hours of sleep every year or 17 days. This works out at 68 minutes of lost sleep per night.

It’s no surprise that almost half (48%) of Irish people believe that their hearing may have even been damaged by snoring. As a result, a fifth (22%) say they are going to wear earplugs in the future or get a hearing test (21%).

Many of those kept awake take matters into their own hands and try to combat snoring, with 49% admitting to elbowing their partner, 44% rolling them over, and 42% giving them a gentle kick to make them stop.

The noises can be irritatingly varied too. A third (37 percent) described their partner's snoring as a low rumble while 14 percent said their partners snoring sounds like a lawn mower.

For more information visit your local Specsavers store or their website here