Modular homes for Ukrainian refugees to be ready in August

Over 60 rapid build modular homes to accommodate in excess of 250 refugees who fled the war in Ukraine are expected to ready for occupation in the Midlands in mid-August, it's been confirmed.

The site at Clonminch, Tullamore was offered to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth earlier this year by the OPW as a potentially suitable site for some 64 units for Ukrainian families, with four people being housed in each unit.

The department said this week that “meetings have taken place to brief local councillors and local authority officials regarding the roll out of the programme and there is active engagement with public services in the locality.

“It is planned that residents will start moving into the homes in mid-August”.

The houses are part of a Government approved modular home project which will see 700 homes built and completed throughout the country by late summer.

It's believed each unit will include a kitchen-dining-living area, a bathroom, a small bedroom and a large bedroom.

The project is being managed by the Office of Public Works on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, who are the approving authority for the programme.

When sites were confirmed as suitable by the OPW, a programme of engagement was carried out by the department, which involved meeting with councillors and officials of local authorities, service providers, community groups etc. The OPW is responsible for site preparation and the acquisition and installation of the homes onto the sites.

According to a department spokesperson, all sites for rapid build homes will have roads, footpaths, street lighting and community facilities, including green spaces.

The homes, manufactured off-site, will be highly energy efficient, durable units with a 60 year lifespan. The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth will manage and maintain the units once they are completed and in place.

Another site in the Midlands, in Rathdowney in Co Laois, will be home to 42 rapid build homes for Ukrainian refugees.